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Note from the author:

Sai Ram dear brothers and sisters,

I thank you for all the love you have sent my way........I pray for each of you from my heart that Bhagwan fulfils your wishes and takes care of your troubles..........Bhagwan always says that there is no one that can come between Him and His devotees.......Your relationship with Him is direct.......I am in no way a medium to come in between you and your love for God.......God speaks in every heart........He is with you right now this very moment........I make a request that the emails you send to me are  spiritual questions that I may be able to help you with.......The letters you write to Swami should be placed in your altars for your contact with Him is the same as mine..........I am in no way closer to Swami than you are......We are all the children of God.......We all have the same spirit.....the same love for our dear Master.......

I am touched by your love and your eagerness for Bhagwan to return.........But we all have His work to do...We have so much of His wealth that He is left with us to utilize and share...God comes in a body only for us to realize His omniscience ........We should not be running here and there looking for solace........We have not lost Bhagwan.......We have to find Him within us.........He once said to me,"Think of Me for a moment .........Have faith I will come........I will instantly answer you as if I am before you"..........We must have that faith...We must honor His life by being strong and steadfast in our devotion.......

You are all dear to me...You are all His children and my brothers and sisters.......I am happy to hear from you...I am more than happy to help you understand the ups and downs of the spiritual path...I am more than happy to share with you the love of Sai...But I in no way can be a medium to translate your personal messages to Bhagwan...That has to be done by you with your faith...with your devotion...

I pray that we with all sincerity walk on the path of truth holding the hand of God.........I will be more than happy to answer your spiritual questions in the best way I can......

My love to you all.......
Sai Ram
seema m dewan